Should I Get Glasses or Contact Lenses?

Should I Get Glasses or Contact Lenses?

When deciding whether you want eyeglasses or contact lenses, one option isn’t necessarily better than the other. Your lifestyle, personal preferences, comfort, convenience, and budget play a role in your decision-making process. Glasses and contacts each have their own set of pros and cons.

Nicanor Lacsina, O.D., and Yelena Pinkhasova, O.D., know that deciding between glasses and contact lenses isn’t always easy. At Bainbridge Eye Care, we’re happy to go through all your options and help you make the right decision based on your unique eye needs.

In the meantime, you can learn more about the pros and cons of each option.

Should you get eyeglasses?

Eyeglasses 一 invented by Venetian glassblowers in the 13th-century 一 have helped correct vision problems for hundreds of years. They can help if you have astigmatism, presbyopia, myopia, hyperopia, and even cataracts. Especially lenses, such as prism lenses, can help correct double vision, which restores clear vision and helps eliminate headaches associated with double vision.

They are many reasons to consider wearing eyeglasses:

Eyeglasses are also ideal for those with eye allergies who have chronically dry or itchy eyes. If you find it difficult or uncomfortable to touch your eyes, eyeglasses may be a better option. 

Should you get contacts?

It’s no surprise why over 45 million Americans wear contacts daily. Because contact lenses sit directly on your eye, you won’t have any peripheral vision obstructions, which makes it easier to participate in athletic and outdoor recreational activities. There’s no need to worry about losing your glasses or damaging them. 

Many people also wear contacts because they don’t like wearing glasses or may feel self-conscious wearing them. 

Unless you choose daily-wear (disposable) contact lenses, there is nightly cleaning and storing to consider. Caring for contact lenses is relatively easy; follow the instructions carefully on your lens soaking solution to prevent infection or damage to your contacts. 

You might benefit from contacts if:

As with glasses, contact lenses can address a variety of vision issues. At our Bainbridge Avenue office, we offer many types and brands of contacts, including specialty lenses like orthokeratology (ortho-k) lenses.

When to consider both eyeglasses and contacts

Many people prefer one option over the other, but you don’t have to choose exclusively between the two. In fact, many people have both glasses and contacts. If you wear contacts, it’s nice to have a “backup” pair of glasses. If your contacts tear or allergies worsen your eye symptoms, you may feel more comfortable wearing glasses for the day. 

Likewise, if you typically wear glasses, you might enjoy having contacts if you’re planning an outdoor excursion where glasses may become easily damaged or lost, for example, a day at the amusement park. 

Get started with a comprehensive eye exam

Whether you’re leaning toward contacts or glasses, the first step in restoring your vision is getting a comprehensive eye exam. During your exam, we not only give you an updated prescription but also perform several eye function tests and ocular health screenings. 

Once we’ve determined your type of refractive error, if your prescription has changed, and if you have any other eye-related health concerns, our team can recommend the correct glasses and contacts for you. Plus, you can conveniently get your glasses or contacts at our on-site lab without any stops at other offices or shops.

To get started, call our Bronx, New York office at 718-306-9142 or request an appointment online.

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