
Does Everyone Eventually Get Cataracts?

Does Everyone Eventually Get Cataracts?

Age is a risk factor for cataracts — that clouding of the natural lens in your eye. But just because aging is a risk factor, does that mean everyone eventually gets a cataract? Continue reading to find out.
Jul 25th, 2024
Ask These Questions At Your Next Eye Appointment

Ask These Questions At Your Next Eye Appointment

Are you getting ready for your next eye appointment but unsure what questions to ask? Don’t fret: We’ve got you covered. Here are eight questions to consider asking at your next appointment. 
Jun 4th, 2024
Tips for Getting Rid of Red Eyes

Tips for Getting Rid of Red Eyes

If you’re struggling to get rid of red eyes, you’re not alone. It’s a common complaint and one that has many potential causes. Read on to learn what causes red eyes and what you can do to reduce redness.
Apr 30th, 2024
 Seven Things Diabetics Should Do to Protect Their Eyes

Seven Things Diabetics Should Do to Protect Their Eyes

Diabetic complications extend beyond your blood vessels. Diabetic complications can impact your vision, but thankfully, there are things you can do to protect your eyes. Read on to learn about seven action steps you can take today.
Apr 2nd, 2024
 Glaucoma Runs in My Family — What Should I Do?

Glaucoma Runs in My Family — What Should I Do?

Glaucoma is the second-leading cause of blindness, and learning that this condition runs in your family can be overwhelming. If you have family or personal risk factors for glaucoma, read on to learn what to do next.
Mar 2nd, 2024
 Why You Shouldn't Ignore Seemingly Mild Vision Changes

Why You Shouldn't Ignore Seemingly Mild Vision Changes

Mild vision changes aren’t something you have to deal with. Getting the correct treatment can help you see clearly and comfortably again. The benefits don’t end there. Here are three reasons why you shouldn’t ignore vision changes.
Feb 8th, 2024
When to See a Specialist About Red Eyes

When to See a Specialist About Red Eyes

You might be tempted to use eye drops to mask red eyes, but is that all you should do? Read on to learn the common causes of red eyes and ten signs it’s time to see a specialist about them.
Dec 2nd, 2023

5 Lifestyle Habits that Benefit Your Eyes and Vision

Your eyes are the window to your soul, but they’re also your window to the world. While many conditions impact your eyes, there are strategies you can implement to keep your eyes healthy. Read on to learn more.
Nov 1st, 2023
Understanding Your Glaucoma Diagnosis

Understanding Your Glaucoma Diagnosis

Glaucoma is a leading cause of blindness, and if diagnosed, you might still have many questions about this condition.This blog explores the condition, what causes it, and most importantly, how to treat it.
Oct 2nd, 2023
The Good News About Having Cataracts

The Good News About Having Cataracts

Cataracts are extremely common, although initially, a cataract diagnosis doesn’t seem so great. Yet there are many positives to consider. Read on as we highlight seven positive aspects of having cataracts.
Sep 1st, 2023
How to Prevent Diabetes-Related Blindness

How to Prevent Diabetes-Related Blindness

If you have diabetes, you know that the condition can cause many body-wide complications. In this blog, we look at one particular complication: diabetes-related blindness. Read on to learn what you can do to reduce your risks.
Aug 2nd, 2023
5 Lifestyle Habits for Promoting Long-term Eye Health

5 Lifestyle Habits for Promoting Long-term Eye Health

Adopting healthy lifestyle habits can help prevent disease and support your overall wellness. They can also promote long-term eye health. Read more to learn our top lifestyle tips for healthy eyes and vision.
Jul 1st, 2023

What's Triggering Your Eye Allergies?

Eye allergies are common 一 although annoying 一 yet to find relief, you need to pinpoint what’s causing your allergies to flare up. This blog covers the most common triggers for eye allergies and what you can do about them.
Jun 1st, 2023
7 Signs of Dry Eye

7 Signs of Dry Eye

Despite the name, dry eye syndrome doesn’t just cause dry eyes. It can cause a host of bothersome symptoms, and being able to spot these signs is your first step in finding relief. Read on to explore seven signs of dry eyes.
Apr 3rd, 2023
Does Myopia Resolve on Its Own?

Does Myopia Resolve on Its Own?

Myopia is the most common eye refractive error that causes blurry vision. Although contact lenses and eyeglasses can help restore clear vision, you may wonder if myopia can resolve on its own. Find out here.
Mar 5th, 2023
Is There a Way to Avoid Glaucoma?

Is There a Way to Avoid Glaucoma?

Glaucoma, a condition in which high eye pressure damages your optic nerve, is one of the leading causes of blindness across the globe. Due to the severity of this condition, it’s natural to wonder if there’s a way to avoid glaucoma. Find out here.
Feb 2nd, 2023

Help! I Have Astigmatism

Do you suspect that you or your child have astigmatism? It’s a common refractive error, but it’s one we treat regularly. Read on to learn how we can help you see clearly once again.
Jan 2nd, 2023
Are Sunglasses Really Necessary?

Are Sunglasses Really Necessary?

Sunglasses may be the finishing touch on your outfit, but are they really necessary? Absolutely! We explore four main reasons sunglasses are necessary no matter what the season.
Dec 1st, 2022
How to Help Your Child Take Care of Their Eyes

How to Help Your Child Take Care of Their Eyes

Besides scheduling routine eye exams, what other ways can you help take care of your child’s eyes? That’s the question we tackle here. Read on and discover top tips for making sure your child’s eyes stay healthy.
Nov 1st, 2022
Should I Get Glasses or Contact Lenses?

Should I Get Glasses or Contact Lenses?

Maybe your prescription has changed, or you’re just starting to suspect you need glasses. But one big question remains: should you get glasses or contact lenses? Read on to find out.
Oct 1st, 2022
8 Risk Factors for Macular Degeneration

8 Risk Factors for Macular Degeneration

Macular degeneration is a leading cause of vision loss. Thankfully, catching the condition early gives you a chance to slow the vision loss. That’s why knowing your risk factors is so important. Read on to learn more.
Sep 1st, 2022
Here's How to Avoid Your Allergy Triggers

Here's How to Avoid Your Allergy Triggers

Sneezing and nasal congestion are common allergy symptoms, but allergens can irritate your eyes too! In this blog, we cover the top tips for avoiding eye allergy triggers and how we can help you find relief from itchy, watery eyes.
Jul 1st, 2022
How Astigmatism Changes Your Eye Health Needs

How Astigmatism Changes Your Eye Health Needs

Blurry vision can affect your work, school, and athletic performance, but it also leads to squinting, headaches, and eye fatigue. Learn how astigmatism changes your eye health needs and how we can help restore clear vision.
Jun 1st, 2022
Choosing the Right Frames for Your Face

Choosing the Right Frames for Your Face

Your glasses are one of the most important accessories you wear each day, so choosing the right pair is important. In this article, we provide tips for choosing the right frames for your face.
May 1st, 2022
Recognizing the Early Signs of Cataracts

Recognizing the Early Signs of Cataracts

Cataracts form when your normally clear lens becomes cloudy and distorts your vision. Because early treatment can help save your eyesight, it’s important to learn the initial signs of cataracts so you can get results and have an effective outcome.
Apr 4th, 2022
Tips for Managing Chronic Dry Eyes

Tips for Managing Chronic Dry Eyes

Do you suffer from chronic dry eyes? Keep reading to learn about home remedies and medical solutions that can help so you don’t have to needlessly suffer from this condition.
Mar 10th, 2022